Terms & Conditions
for bloggers and guest posters
Thank you for your interest in guest posting on clandestantministries.org . We welcome the opportunity to have many different writers on many different topics on our blog. Being an Interfaith organization allows for a broad range of relevant articles that can be posted on our site. We are very excited to read your submission to make sure it matches the following guidelines. Once you've submitted three articles that match the guidelines listed below we will make your post live as well as send you a link with all the permissions to publish and post your articles yourself on the website. We can't wait to read your articles.
Submission of your guest post does not guarantee that we will publish it. We will review all of your submissions until you have the permissions and account needed to publish on our site yourself. Once you have the permissions to publish on our site yourself we will periodically review your articles to make sure they are still within our guidelines. If we find that your articles no longer fit within our guidelines we reserve the right to remove them from our website as well as revoke your permissions.
Content should be related to Interfaith subjects. Any religious belief matches this criteria as well as the absence of a religious belief such as atheism. We believe that religion and science are two sides of the same coin and therefore any type of scientific topic is also relevant. Any type of spiritual advancements or topic as well as physical are also relevant. If you are interested in writing a topic on anything else please email me what topic you wish to write about for approval at revcopeland@clandestantministries.org .
All post must be of high quality and must be unique. No plagiarism or posting the same article on multiple sites. You must agree that by submitting and posting to clandestantministries.org that your article becomes the intellectual property of Clandestant Ministries. You also agree that's if any disputes arise be so cost of addressing all disputes will be at your expense. By submitting any article under these guidelines is an agreement to abide by these guidelines. Please attempt to do your best st correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. You agree that if needed we can edit your article for any reason without notice. That being said if there is no reason we will not edit. If any submissions require excessive editing we will not publish it but we will give you the opportunity to fully edit it and resubmit. If possible please include SEO into your article to make sure it can be easily found by search engines. This is not required but highly encouraged. If you do not know how to do SEO there are many free articles and courses online to assist you. This not only benefits us as a website to be found but benefits you as a blogger for your article and message to be found as well.
We do not have any minimum or maximum length requirement to the articles. But please keep in mind that an article too long or Too Short has a tendency to not be read. If you feel that your article will be too long please break it up into separate articles and place links to the Articles as needed. This will ensure that if somebody is interested in continuing with content of that article but they can easily continue reading by clicking on the link to the next.
Please format your article to make it easy to read as well as pleasing to the eye.
Any links or hyperlinks in the article must be working. Any affiliate links must have a disclaimer showing that the article contains affiliate links and the author of the article may receive some kind of monetary compensation for it. Any affiliate links you wish to have in your article you must first get permission by emailing me at revcopeland@clandestantministries.org .
Images in your article are not required but highly encouraged. Before posting an image please make sure that you have the rights to post that image. Once you do post an image you give Clandestant Ministries permission to use the image. Please make sure all images are relevant to the content of the article.
Clandestant Ministries does not provide compensation for guest posting. Any post that are submitted to us and published you agree have been donated for use in our nonprofit causes. This means that you give us complete ownership of the article as well as the ability to use of how we see fit.
Once you were approved to publish with permissions on to our site all of the credit for the article will be yours. While we maintain ownership. If you do not get approved to publish with permissions on to our site any articles that you have submitted may be used by us and credit given under one of our writers names.
Once again we would like to thank you for your interest in being a guest blogger on clandestantministries.org . We are truly excited to read your submissions and even more excited to begin working with you. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have at revcopeland@clandestantministries.org .