Dark-Moon Tarot
DARK-MOON Tarot is a fundraising arm of Clandestant Ministries. I started reading Tarot about ten years ago and it's something I'm very passionate about.
if your requesting a reading please email me at brandyhoward@clandestantministries.org You will receive a personalized video of your reading along with a detailed description of what your cards say.
What I offer
Tarot Readings - Single card, Love/Relationship spreads, Tetraktys spread, Planetary spread, Astrological spread, Past life spread, Starseed spreads, Tree of life spread, Dream spreads, and many more.
Birth chart interpretations
Synastry chart interpretations
Vedic chart interpretations
For readings message me directly at brandycopeland@clandestantministries.org to set up a reading and prices.
All readings, birth chart interpretations, scrying can be booked through email for your convience. You can also request a video of your reading at no extra charge. All I need is your name, your birthday and a good photo of yourself. Please request more information though my email at the link.